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Code d'Examen: C2060-220
Nom d'Examen: IBM (IBM Sterling Connect:Direct, Administration)
Questions et réponses: 120 Q&As
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C2060-220 Démo gratuit à télécharger:
NO.1 One of the benefits of using Sterling Connect:Direct is that it:
A. focuses on message switching.
B. utilizes proprietary data formatting.
C. provides 24 x 365 unattended operation.
D. offers manual restart through the use of email.
Answer: C
IBM C2060-220 examen C2060-220 C2060-220 certification C2060-220
NO.2 An administrator installed Sterling Connect:Direct for Windows node on a new server. The
administrator also defined new Functional Authorities for another user. When the user logs onto the
server and opens Connect:Direct Requester for the first time, the node is not displayed. The Nodes view
is empty. What should the user do in order to attach to the new node?
A. Add the new node to the netmap.
B. Contact the administrator and ask to verify access.
C. Logon to the server with the administrator's account.
D. Select Node>Connection Settings>Insert Node and enter the local node information.
Answer: D
IBM examen certification C2060-220 certification C2060-220 certification C2060-220
NO.3 When configuring a node in Sterling Connect:Direct for Windows, which field is found on the General
properties tab in the CD Admin Tool?
A. API IP Address
B. Local LU Name
C. Max PNode Sessions
D. Enable TCP/IP Support
Answer: C
IBM examen certification C2060-220 C2060-220 examen C2060-220 C2060-220 examen certification C2060-220
NO.4 A SNIFFER trace shows the following entries:
A NETSTAT display was performed. What is the correct connection state that a user should expect?
D. The administrator would NOT expect to see a connection show up.
Answer: D
IBM C2060-220 certification C2060-220
NO.5 In Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX, in which path is the file ndmproc located?
A. ndm/lib/
B. ndm/bin/
C. ndm/cfg/cliapi/
D. ndm/cfg/cd_node/
Answer: B
IBM C2060-220 C2060-220
NO.6 A Sterling Connect:Direct for Windows and UNIX user is troubleshooting a problem for either changing,
deleting, selecting or terminating a process. Which diagnostic trace option should be used?
A. cmgr
B. pmgr
C. smgr
D. comm
Answer: B
certification IBM C2060-220 examen C2060-220 certification C2060-220 C2060-220 examen C2060-220 examen
NO.7 Which of the following is supported by Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS V1 FMH flows?
A. XDR Keywords
B. Mapped DSECTS
C. ZLIB Compression
D. Cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
Answer: B
IBM C2060-220 C2060-220 C2060-220 examen certification C2060-220
NO.8 In Sterling Connect:Direct for Windows, which parameter is required when configuring a remote node
using Advanced Program to Program Communication (APPC)?
A. Partner LU Name
B. Alternate Comminfo
C. Host Name/IP Address
D. UDT communication path name
Answer: A
IBM C2060-220 C2060-220 C2060-220 examen
NO.9 A Sterling Connect:Direct for Windows and UNIX user wants to determine the outcome of process
numbers 10 to 15. What command can retrieve this information?
A. select statistics pnumber=(10-15);
B. select statistics pnumber=(10..15);
C. select statistics pnumber=10,11,12,13,14,15;
D. select statistics pnumber=(10,11,12,13,14,15);
Answer: D
IBM examen C2060-220 examen C2060-220
NO.10 A Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS administrator navigated to the Secure+ Admin Tool: Main
Screen?shown here: Which Connect:Direct Secure+ remote node supports the STS encryption protocol?
Answer: B
IBM examen C2060-220 C2060-220 examen C2060-220
NO.11 A user is building a process to send a compressed ZIP archive file to a remote node. What
compression setting is most efficient and provides the best performance for this type of file?
A. COMPRESS Extended
C. COMPRESS Extended=(CMPrlevel=9,WINdowsize=15,MEMlevel=9)
D. No compression.
Answer: D
certification IBM certification C2060-220 certification C2060-220 C2060-220
NO.12 A Sterling Connect:Direct for Windows and UNIX user wants to get a list of processes that completed
successfully. The command begins with: select statistics ccode=(=,0) recids=... ; Which Record Id filters
will complete this command?
Answer: B
IBM C2060-220 examen C2060-220 certification C2060-220 certification C2060-220
NO.13 A Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX administrator needs to submit a process directly into the Execution
queue in order to bypass the Wait queue. Which command will accomplish this task?
A. submit
B. submit hold=no
C. submit retain=no
D. submit maxdelay=0
Answer: D
IBM C2060-220 C2060-220 examen C2060-220
NO.14 An administrator installed Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX in the directory /opt/connect and defined
the local node name as CDUNIX01. The administrator wants to start Connect:Direct for UNIX Command
Line Interface (CLI) client to submit a process. Which environment variable must the administrator set to
get access to this client?
A. PATH=/opt/connect/ndm/bin/direct
B. PATH=/opt/connect/ndm/bin/ndmcli
C. NDMAPICFG=/opt/connect/ndm/cfg/cliapi/ndmapi.cfg
D. NDMAPICFG=/opt/connect/ndm/cfg/CDUNIX01/initparm.cfg
Answer: C
certification IBM C2060-220 certification C2060-220 C2060-220 examen C2060-220
NO.15 In Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX, an administrator is setting up multiple nodes in a load balancing
environment on a cluster file system (not an NFS). The administrator needs to specify a shared area
where the multiple nodes can place return code files and copy checkpoint information, so that the various
nodes are aware of activity. What parameter is used to specify this?
A. ndm.path
C. quiesce.resume
Answer: D
IBM certification C2060-220 C2060-220 C2060-220
NO.16 An administrator wants to stop Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX but Connect:Direct needs to run all
executing processes to completion before shutting down. Which command should be submitted?
A. stop;
B. stop step;
C. stop force;
D. stop immediate;
Answer: A
IBM examen C2060-220 examen C2060-220 C2060-220 C2060-220
NO.17 A Sterling Connect:Direct for Windows environment is installed to allow for high availability, by
assigning a virtual IP address to the cluster to which each node is then bound to. Which local node
parameter is used to specify this virtual IP address?
A. node.check
C. outgoing.address
D. Alternate Comminfo
Answer: C
IBM examen certification C2060-220 C2060-220
NO.18 Which utility can be used via command line to export and import users and netmap settings in Sterling
Connect:Direct for Windows?
A. Client Connection Utility
B. Logon Configuration Utility (LCU)
C. Connect:Direct Configuration Utility
D. Connect:Direct Command Line Interface (CLI)
Answer: C
certification IBM C2060-220 C2060-220 C2060-220 examen
NO.19 Which component is invoked to stop Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX?
A. Security Exit
B. User Manager
C. Session Manager
D. Process Manager
Answer: D
IBM examen C2060-220 examen certification C2060-220 C2060-220 examen C2060-220
NO.20 A Sterling Connect:Direct for Windows administrator needs to verify that the latest fixes have been
applied. Which option will show the release and maintenance level of the Windows node?
A. SPAdmin
B. Admin Tool
C. Message Lookup
D. Configuration Utility
Answer: B
certification IBM certification C2060-220 C2060-220 examen
Il y a beaucoup de gans ambitieux dansn l'Industrie IT. Pour monter à une autre hauteur dans la carrière, et être plus proche du pic de l'Industrie IT. On peut choisir le test IBM C2060-220 à se preuver. Mais le taux du succès et bien bas. Participer le test IBM C2060-220 est un choix intelligent. Dans l'Industrie IT de plus en plus intense, on doit trouver une façon à s'améliorer. Vous pouvez chercher plusieurs façons à vous aider pour réussir le test.