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Code d'Examen: 1z0-883
Nom d'Examen: Oracle (MySQL 5.6 Database Administrator)
Questions et réponses: 100 Q&As
Code d'Examen: 1z0-133
Nom d'Examen: Oracle (Oracle WebLogic Server 12c: Administration I)
Questions et réponses: 79 Q&As
Code d'Examen: 1Z0-409
Nom d'Examen: Oracle (Oracle Linux Fundamentals (Oracle PartnerNetwork))
Questions et réponses: 230 Q&As
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1z0-133 Démo gratuit à télécharger:
NO.1 You are using WebLogic Server DiagnosticFramework (WLDF)Instrumentationin asystem
diagnostic module. The Dye Injection monitor is enabled. You know the diagnosticcontextID of the
request you are Interested in that was processed by several.
You are looking through the messages in the server log file of several.
Which statementis true?
A. You need to look at the EventsData Archive. Server log files do not contain WL DF context IDs
B. You need tolook at the Harvested Data Archive. Server log files do not contain WL DF context IDs.
C. You need to look atthe domain log file. Only the domain log file contains WL DF context IDs.
D. You can search the server log file for the context ID. Any messagethat was written to the log
IDsduring thatrequestwill contain the contextID.
E. You need to translate the context IDInto the corresponding transaction ID, which is the only ID in
server log file entries.
Answer: A
certification Oracle 1z0-133 examen certification 1z0-133
NO.2 Whichthreestatementsare true about the administration console?
A. The administration consolecan be disabled.
B. The context path of the administration console may be changed.
C. If a domain is in Development Mode the administration console no longer requires an
administration -level user when logging in.
D. If a domainisinproductionMode, access to the administrationconsole must be made through a
secure port.
E. If the domain'sAdministrationportis enabled,accesstotheadministrationconsole must be made
only through that port.
Answer: A,B,E
Oracle certification 1z0-133 certification 1z0-133 certification 1z0-133 certification 1z0-133 1z0-133 examen
NO.3 Youset up two network channels for server -to-server communication. You want channelx to
be used more than channel Y , so you give channel x a higher channel Weight. Youwant to see if
indeed channel X is used more.
Youuse the administration console and look at bothchannels under each one'sMonitoringtab.
Whatscenario would best assure you that channel x has an overallhigher connection rate?
A. ChannelXBytesSent is higher.
B. ChannelXBytesReceivedis higher.
C. ChannelXAcceptCount is higher.
D. ChannelXConnections is higher.
Answer: D
Oracle examen certification 1z0-133 certification 1z0-133
NO.4 Youdomain'ssecurityrealmhas two authenticationprovides :1dap1 and 1dap2. Considerthese
If authenticationsucceeds with 1dap1, then skip 1dap2.
If authentication fails with 1dap1,then authentication must succeed with 1dap2. Which control flag
should you use for 1dap1?
Answer: A
certification Oracle certification 1z0-133 1z0-133 1z0-133 examen 1z0-133 certification 1z0-133
NO.5 AWebLogicserverdomaincontainsa dynamic cluster called"cluster1".The cluster
"cluster"1hastwo dynamicmanagedservers "server1" and"server2". There is a need to view the
inheritedattribute values for "server2".
How do you viewall attributes of "server2".including those inheritedfrom the server template?
A. Use WebLogic Administration console >"server" link.
B. Usejavaweblogic.Deployer.
C. Youcannot, because attributevalues are not inherited.
D. Use WLST.
Answer: B
certification Oracle 1z0-133 examen certification 1z0-133 1z0-133 examen certification 1z0-133
NO.6 You are using the Configuration Wizard to create a now domain that will consist of a cluster of
a of three managed servers along withan instance of WebLogic server acting as HIPT proxy to
distribute traffic to the cluster.
Which three steps should you perform with the Configuration Wizard?
A. Create one Cluster.
B. Install OracleHTTP Server.
C. Createone Coherence server.
D. Create tourmanaged servers.
E. Assign three servers to a cluster.
F. Specify a proxy port tor the administration server.
Answer: A,C,E
certification Oracle certification 1z0-133 certification 1z0-133 certification 1z0-133
NO.7 Youare creating a domain byusingtheconfigurationWizard. In the wizard,youselect to configure
Node Manager. Under "Node Manager Type,you select "Manual Node Managersetup".
What does this mean?
A. You are using the configuration Wizard toconfigureascript -based Node Manager.
B. The configuration Wizard prompts you to change the default Node Manager configuration values.
C. Theconfiguration Wizard bypassesallNodeManager configuration.
D. Youare using the configuration Wizard to configure a Java -based Node Manager.
E. Youmustmanuallycopy the Node Manager files generatedbythe configuration Wizardinto Node
Manager home.
Answer: E
Oracle examen 1z0-133 examen certification 1z0-133 1z0-133 examen 1z0-133
NO.8 Youcreate a newManagedServer in your domain by usingthe administration console. You give
it the listen address of and the listen port of 7100.You save andactivate the changes.
You use the domain start script to start the new server. It fails, One of the messages in the window
in which you can the script is:
Server failed to bind to any unable port.
Youinvestigateandseethatanotherprocessisrunningon192.0.2.0 on port 7100.You also find many
unused portsatthatIPaddress.
Whichtwostatementsare true?
A. ItisnotaninstanceofWebLogicServerfromthisdomainrunning at administration
console does not allow you to create a server at the same listen address and port as one already
configuration in the domain.
B. ItisaninstanceofWebLogicServerrunning at Otherprocesses do not interfere with
WebLogic Server.
C. Changes the port number to an unusedone to resolve this issue.
D. It cannot be the administration server running at 192.0.2.:7100, becauseadminservers run on
port 7001.
E. BecausethisManagedServerhasnever been started, it does not have a local copy of the
configuration. If it did, by using Managed Server Independence, it wouldbeable to switch to an
unused port of it s configured port was busy.
F. Theportnumbercanstay7100ifthismachine has another IP address and the port is unused at that
Answer: B,C
certification Oracle 1z0-133 1z0-133 examen