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Code d'Examen: C2060-350
Nom d'Examen: IBM (IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender V8.4 Application Development)
Questions et réponses: 63 Q&As
L'importance de la position de Certificat IBM C2060-350 dans l'industrie IT est bien claire pour tout le monde, mais c'est pas facile à obtenir ce Certificat. Il y a beaucoup de Q&As qui manquent une haute précision des réponses. Cependant, Pass4Test peut offrir des matériaux pratiques pour toutes les personnes à participer l'examen de Certification, et il peut aussi offrir à tout moment toutes les informations que vous auriez besoin à réussir l'examen IBM C2060-350 par votre première fois.
C2060-350 Démo gratuit à télécharger: http://www.pass4test.fr/C2060-350.html
NO.1 Which two of the following statements are TRUE of syntax items? Syntax items:
A. are limited to 10 bytes.
B. can only be defined as character data.
C. can be defined as character or binary data.
D. are used as separators between portions of data.
Answer: B,D
IBM examen C2060-350 certification C2060-350 C2060-350
NO.2 Which two of the following statements are TRUE of a component rule? A component rule:
A. is used to create output.
B. is used for data validation.
C. can refer to any other component in the component list.
D. is always evaluated even if an optional component is not present in the data.
Answer: B,D
IBM certification C2060-350 C2060-350
NO.3 Which statement about syntax items is TRUE?
A. They must have a restriction list.
B. They have a maximum length of 1 byte.
C. The value must come from the input data.
D. They cannot be used as variable initiators.
Answer: A
IBM certification C2060-350 C2060-350 examen
NO.4 Refer to image shown here:
Which of the following statements is TRUE with regards to the type trees created using the XML
Schema Importer.
A. The trees were created with different schemas.
B. One tree was created using XSDL Hints and Xerces validation.
C. One tree was created using Classic validation and XSDL Hints.
D. One tree was created using Classic validation and the other using Xerces validation.D.One tree
was created using Classic validation and the other using Xerces validation.
Answer: B
IBM C2060-350 examen C2060-350 certification C2060-350
NO.5 The structure of the following file has been partially defined in a type tree:
~Smith~Robert~Programmer<NL> ~Doe~John~Manager<NL>
The properties of the types have not been completely defined.
Which of the following options defines the properties for the use of the tilde (~) character in the
sample file?
A. Define ~ as a floating component of the Record type.
B. Define ~ character as a prefix delimiter of the File type.
C. Define ~ character as a prefix delimiter of the Record type.
D. Define ~ character as the initiator and terminator of LastName and FirstName types and initiator
of Title type.
Answer: C
IBM C2060-350 C2060-350 examen C2060-350 certification C2060-350 C2060-350 examen
NO.6 What is the primary difference between a choice group and a partitioned group?
A. A choice group requires that data must be distinguishable; a partitioned group does not.
B. A partitioned group requires that data must be distinguishable; a choice group does not.
C. A choice group can have both items and groups as components; a partition group can only have
groups as subtypes.
D. A partitioned group can contain both items and groups as components; a choice group can only
contain groups as components.
Answer: C
certification IBM C2060-350 examen C2060-350 certification C2060-350 C2060-350
NO.7 The image here shows the components of a purchase order:
The application requires that the total number of items (TotalItems) in the Trailer Record equals the
sum of the quantity ordered (QtyOrdered) for each purchase order.
This verification can be performed by a component rule. Which component should have the
component rule?
A. TotalItems
B. QtyOrdered
C. Detail Record
D. Trailer Record
Answer: D
certification IBM certification C2060-350 certification C2060-350 C2060-350
NO.8 An application developer has a file which consists of fixed length records.
The first record is a header record followed by some number of detail records.
The number of detail records is expressed by a value found in the header record.
How does the developer define this type of data in WebSphere Transformation Extender?
A. Index the input based on the count in the header record.
B. Use a Map function to keep track of how many detail records there are.
C. Write a custom function to store the number of detail records in the map context.
D. Use a component rule to compare the current record to the value found in the header.
Answer: D
certification IBM C2060-350 examen C2060-350 C2060-350 C2060-350
Choisissez le Pass4Test, choisissez le succès de test IBM C2060-350. Bonne chance à vous.