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Code d'Examen: adwords-fundamentals
Nom d'Examen: Google (Google Search Fundamentals Exam Practice Test)
Questions et réponses: 208 Q&As
Pass4Test a une équipe se composant des experts qui font la recherche particulièrement des exercices et des Q&As pour le test certification Google adwords-fundamentals, d'ailleurs ils peuvent vous proposer à propos de choisir l'outil de se former en ligne. Si vous avez envie d'acheter une Q&A de Pass4Test, Pass4Test vous offrira de matériaux plus détailés et plus nouveaux pour vous aider à approcher au maximum le test réel. Assurez-vous de choisir le Pass4Test, vous réussirez 100% le test Google adwords-fundamentals.
Pass4Test est un site particulier à offrir les guides de formation à propos de test certificat IT. La version plus nouvelle de Q&A Google adwords-fundamentals peut répondre sûrement une grande demande des candidats. Comme tout le monde le connait, le certificat Google adwords-fundamentals est un point important pendant l'interview dans les grandes entreprises IT. Ça peut expliquer un pourquoi ce test est si populaire. En même temps, Pass4Test est connu par tout le monde. Choisir le Pass4Test, choisir le succès. Votre argent sera tout rendu si malheureusement vous ne passe pas le test Google adwords-fundamentals.
adwords-fundamentals Démo gratuit à télécharger:
NO.1 Linda has a discount clothing store and she'd like to post Google AdWords advertisements for her
store. When she creates her ad which one of the follow advertisements would NOT be allowed by Google
A. Good Discounted Clothes
B. Fashion Clothes Online Here
C. Fashion 4U Here
D. No Clothes
Answer: C
Google adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals examen certification adwords-fundamentals certification adwords-fundamentals
NO.2 Google wants to make certain that Google Content Network consultants understand where people are
spending their time online. Google has identified four categories where people spend their time online.
Which one of the following statements ranks Internet usage for Web users from smallest to largest
percentage of time online according to Google?
A. Commerce sites, content sites, communication sites, search sites
B. Search sites, commerce sites, content sites, communication sites
C. Communication sites, content sites, commerce sites, search sites
D. Content sites, communication sites, commerce sites, search sites
Answer: D
Google examen adwords-fundamentals certification adwords-fundamentals
NO.3 You are managing a Google AdWords for your client. The client has informed you that they want their
ads to go on very specific Web pages in the Google Content Network. Which Google AdWords option
would allow you to specify what pages the advertisement should appear on?
A. Network devices setting
B. Exclusion tools setting
C. Web pages setting
D. Placement targeting setting
Answer: D
Google examen adwords-fundamentals certification adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals examen adwords-fundamentals examen
NO.4 Nancy would like to create a display ad for the Google Content Network, but she doesn't have image
editing software. Which of the following is recommended for Nancy to create a display ad for the Google
Content Network?
A. Hire a designer to create the display ad.
B. Use the Display Ad Builder.
C. Use the Adobe Ad Builder.
D. Use a text ad.
Answer: B
Google adwords-fundamentals examen adwords-fundamentals examen certification adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals
NO.5 Jennifer has been notified that her ad was disapproved by Google. What tool can Jennifer use to
determine why the ad has NOT been approved by Google AdWords?
A. Keyword Review tool
B. AdWords Editor tool
C. Google AdWords ad tool
D. Disapproved Ads tool
Answer: D
Google adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals examen certification adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals
NO.6 You have created four different ads for a client. The client is pleased, but wants to know how Google
AdWords selects which sponsored links ad to display. How does Google AdWords chooses the ad to
A. The AdWords system shows each ad once before rotating to the next ad.
B. The manager of the ad must determine the orderand frequency of the ad to be displayed.
C. The AdWords system automatically rotates among the different ad variations and shows the
better-performing variation more.
D. The AdWords system shows each ad for 100 impressions and then rotates to the next ad.
Answer: C
Google examen certification adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals
NO.7 Google uses multiple approaches, such as IP addressing, to determine the language and location of
users searching for particular keywords. What term is given to the Google analysis of the search term,
such as Tampa doctors, to determine where a user may be originating their search from?
A. Google AdWords search analysis
B. Qualitative analysis
C. Quantitative analysis
D. Query parsing
Answer: D
Google examen certification adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals
NO.8 John has created a new Google AdWords and he has elected to include the ad in the
Google Network. A few weeks later he decides that he longer wants to participate in the Google Network.
How can John opt out of the Google Network?
A. John can contact Google and ask them to disassociate his ads from the Google Network.
B. John can opt out of the network by deselecting the option to include the Google AdWords ad in the
Google Network.
C. John can opt out of the network through the Settings tab of the campaign page.
D. John cannot opt of the network - once he joins his account is attached to the program.
Answer: C
Google adwords-fundamentals certification adwords-fundamentals
NO.9 You're serving as a Google AdWords consultant for a company that sells electronics. Bob, your client,
is new to Web-based business sales and he's concerned with how long his ad will run. You explain to Bob
the concept of a daily budget and the monthly costs, but Bob is still worried and would like to just run his
ad for a short period of time. What's the smallest amount of time that you can configure an ad to run for
A. 15 minutes per week
B. 48 hours per week
C. 1 hour per week
D. 24 hours per week
Answer: A
Google certification adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals
NO.10 Amy is new to Google AdWords and she's curious about the policies Google requires for
participants and their ads. Which one of the following is NOT of the Google AdWords policy categories.?
A. Link policies
B. Editorial and format policies
C. Image policies
D. Content policies
Answer: C
Google certification adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals examen certification adwords-fundamentals
NO.11 Beth has created a Google AdWords account for her company but she is no longer interested in
managing the Google AdWords. She hires an SEO firm to manage the account and SEM for her.
How can the SEO firm now manage Beth's account?
A. The SEO firm will need to link Beth's account to their account.
B. The SEO firm will need to acquire Beth's account through the My Client Center program.
C. The SEO firm will need to create a new Google AdWords account in the My Client Center program.
D. The SEO firm will need Beth's account login information to login and manage the account as Beth
Answer: A
Google adwords-fundamentals examen adwords-fundamentals examen
NO.12 Google does not allow double-serving advertisements. Which one of the following is the best
explanation of Google's double-serving policy?
A. Google does not allow advertisers or affiliates to have ads across multiple accounts for the same or
similar businesses, or ads across multiple accounts triggered by the same or similar keywords.
B. Google does not allow advertisers or affiliates to have more than one identical business
operating on more than one server.
C. Google does allow multiple accounts triggered by the same or similar keywords as long as the
advertisements direct the customers to a common Website.
D. Google does not allow advertisers or affiliates to have competing ads for the same or similar
Answer: A
Google examen adwords-fundamentals examen adwords-fundamentals examen adwords-fundamentals examen
NO.13 Jeff is creating a mobile ad for his Website for the Google AdWords program. Which one of the following
options is allowed by Google AdWords for mobile users?
A. A call link so visitors can immediately call rather than visit the Website
B. A text link so visitors can send a text message to the advertiser
C. An ignore mobile ad option to hide the Google AdWords
D. A hide all images option to see just the Google AdWords text
Answer: A
Google examen adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals examen adwords-fundamentals examen
NO.14 Deanna is new to Google AdWords and she's hired you to help her create an ad for her bakery.
She wants to make certain that only people in her city can actually see her ad - rather than
advertising for users in a different location. You tell Deanna that there are three location options for
Google AdWords. Which one of the following is NOT one of the three location options Deanna can use?
A. Region and city targeting
B. Customized targeting
C. Country targeting
D. Predictive targeting
Answer: D
certification Google certification adwords-fundamentals certification adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals examen adwords-fundamentals examen
NO.15 Martha has created a video ad for her Google AdWords account. She would like to customize where
the video ad is displayed geographically. Which one of the following choices is NOT one of the
geographical customization choices Martha has for displaying her Google AdWords video ad?
A. Internationally
B. Globally
C. Locally
D. Nationally
Answer: B
certification Google adwords-fundamentals certification adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals examen
NO.16 Your client wants to use Google AdWords' ability to display ads in videos. How can you create a video
ad for your customer?
A. You'll need a video editing program, like QuickTime Pro, to edit and create video ads.
B. You'll insert the text into an ad template that Google AdWords will insert into the video ad.
C. Your video can be created in any program,but the output must be compatible with YouTube.
D. You must use the Display Ad Builder to create a video ad.
Answer: D
Google examen certification adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals
NO.17 You have elected to use the device platform targeting in your Google AdWords. How is the quality
score calculated for this feature?
A. The type of device you've elected to target affects how the quality score is calculated.
B. The type of operating system you've elected to target affects how the quality score is
C. Quality scores are not calculated when a Google AdWords users elects to use content
D. The quality score is calculated the same as all Google AdWords ads: It's calculated using a variety of
factors and measures how relevant your keyword is to your ad group and to a user's search query.
Answer: D
certification Google adwords-fundamentals examen certification adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals
NO.18 What term is assigned to the concept of measuring your profit that you've made from advertising
compared to how much you've spent on that advertising?
B. Sunk costs
Answer: A
Google adwords-fundamentals examen adwords-fundamentals examen adwords-fundamentals
NO.19 Fred has created a phrase match keyword targeting for his Google AdWords ad. His phrase is used
car. Which one of the following examples of search phrases will allow Fred's ad to be displayed?
A. Car that's been used
B. Used and new car
C. Used toy car
D. Buy used car
Answer: D
Google adwords-fundamentals certification adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals examen adwords-fundamentals examen
NO.20 Frank is managing a Google AdWords ad group for his travel agency. Frank wants to make certain that
his ad appears in Google when someone searches for Montana cabin rentals. Which one ofthe following
matching options would ensure that Frank's ad would appear when this exact phrase exclusively is used?
A. [Montana cabin rentals]
B. "Montana cabin rentals"
C. -Montana cabin rentals
D. Montana cabin rentals
Answer: A
Google adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals adwords-fundamentals
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